A Rather Lazy Post

Autumn Leaves

It’s rather been one of those weeks, I’m afraid. After a short break away from home — the first such thing in almost a year — dropping straight back into the usual ruts of routine rather took the shine off things. That, plus events on a wider scale, has knocked the wind out of my sails and severely dented my mental health again.

For a short while, some of my model aeroplane obsession was being published in a society journal. The editor was keen, so I plugged away at the project. Now, I’ve not heard from the editor in almost a year. Nothing. Diddly-squat. Nowt. Complete radio silence. I have resorted to sending a proper old-school letter to see if I can find out what is going on, but still no response. If they are no longer interested at least have the gumption to tell me. I’m adult enough to take rejection. While they did pay me, it was not exactly the kind of money I could retire on!

[Update: the journal editor has since been in touch, and the articles are still welcome. ]

That is giving me some cause to consider alternatives in that direction, but not really seriously. I think the project is going to be more suited to an online form, and eventually I might have just the place for it.

I do have ideas for various posts here. They need me to actually do something, so it won’t be happening all that quickly. With luck, I might even post something next time that’s interesting!

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